Monday 24 May 2010

Ok, let's get Started.

Now if you a little bit strange like me and when you check out someone's blog you always check you 1st entry. Well I always do I like to see how people start themselves of and what tone they set up.

Well then this leaves me in the really awful situation of MY 1st post. Great.

1st,Hello to anyone that has bothered to try read this.

2nd I am not a writer at all. In fact I am dyslexic so pointing out any typos that spell check has been too confused be to notice is appreciated (please not to much mocking).

3rd, Felthings; Sort of a play on words, Yes I do work in felt and fibre but also meant as "felt" things emotion etc (did I mention I am a rubbish writer). Post pictures of anything I have been working on be it for sale or personal projects gift etc. I will post mainly about craft related stuff. Appogies if I do have the odd personal post.

Over the next few days I will be posting past projects to fill this blog.